Scene: Two men at bus-stop waiting for a bus. One man is holding something quite large….
Man 1: Bus late
Man 2: Yeah, third
time this week, ridiculous.
Man 1: I’m going to
start walking if it doesn’t turn up soon….
Both men wait
impatiently, check their watches, look at the sky…bored. Man 1 looks at Man 2 and looks up, noticing
the object that he appears to be carrying.
Decides to pass the time and enquire…
Man 1: Hope you don’t
mind me asking…but…what’s that thing you’ve got there?
Man 2: I’m sorry….?
Man 1: What’s that…you know, that thing you’re carrying?
Man 2: I’m sorry, I
don’t think I’m following you…what thing?
Man 1: Err…that great piece of wood you’ve got in your hand…looks
about 8 foot tall and 4 feet wide…(looks baffled)
Man 2: (pretends to
be surprised) Oh…oh...of course…THAT!
Oh…erm..well..ahem…it’s a big piece of wood..
Man 1: Err..yes, I
can see that, but why are you carrying it?
You’re not expecting to get it on the bus are you – it’s miles too big.
Man 2: Yeah, it can
be a bit inconvenient at times but it seems to be able to fit just about
anywhere really…with a bit of effort…
Man 1in: That I’d
love to see…but… why are you carrying it?
Man 2: Well…err…someone asked me to carry it actually…
(seems embarrassed)
Man 1: Really?
Man 2: Yes, an…errr…friend
of mine as a matter of fact.
Man 1: Oh, so you’re
helping him out then?
Man 2: Well,…err…not
exactly, he’s helping me I suppose…it’s…err.. a bit difficult to explain…
Man 1: You can say
that again…so he is local, your mate?
Man 2: Well…yes and no….he’s not been here for quite a while
as a matter of fact. But he’ll be coming back very soon, I’m sure.
Man 1: All sounds very odd….got a name, this mate of yours
by any chance…?
Man 2: Well, he’s got
a few nicknames…I…err..call him “JC”…
Man 1: Never heard of
him…so, tell me then…what does this piece of wood do..what’s it for?
Man 2: Well it’s a very versatile thing actually...it can
serve a different purpose to different people...if that makes any sense…
Man 1: It doesn’t, to
be perfectly honest! (Sounding
Man 2:
Well…erm…ahem…it could make a great washing line…
Man 1: You’re joking
aren’t you…?
Man 2: Or..or..or…you
could put your satellite dish on the top of it and get great reception…
Man 1: This is
getting ridiculous…
Man 2: OK, OK…it
comes in handy if you ever need a giant T-shape for any reason…
Man 1: You’re nuts!
Man 2: I’m sure it
must look that way..but you’d never understand…..sigh…anyway…you seem to be
asking lots of questions..whats the big deal if I choose to carry around a big
piece of wood…?
Man 1: No big deal,
mate. I just thought you might be
carrying a cross…you know…because you’re a Christian….Matthew 16 and all
that…I’ve been thinking about becoming a Christian for a while but I’m looking
for some guidance…but obviously I was mistaken..oh well…have to dash…bye!
Man 2 (to himself): I
think that could have gone better…Taxi!
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