North America:

The formation of Churches of God in 1892 was one of a number of significant development in the history of the Brethren movement in Great Britain - although not as well known or documented as others.
This book, published by Hayes Press, tells the story of how and why such an event happened, starting with a detailed examination of the emergence of Brethrenism in the mid-nineteenth century and the roles played by the leaders of the movement, such as John Nelson Darby and others, and the key role played various Brethren magazines such as Needed Truth in discussing church doctrine and practice.
The dramatic events of 1892 are then re-told, explaining exactly why some felt that they had no option but to separate from the Plymouth Brethren and other off-shoots, to become a completely new entity - so that they could more effectively put into practise what the pattern that they saw in the Old and New Testaments of God's desire for united collective testimony and elderhood.
The final session of the book walks through the early history of the Churches of God, their early struggles, the expansion into North America, West Africa, India, Burma and Australia and discusses distinctive features such as Bible camps, radio evangelism and missionary work up to 1985.
This book is a great resource for students of church history who wish to understand more about the Brethren movement and the Churches of God, an entity who - despite still having much in common with the Brethren movement - deeply hold core convictions that have not always been well known or understood.
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