Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tips for Gospel Tract Distribution

It really is amazing how many simple opportunities we have each day to spread the word of God. Often that can be using a simple gospel leaflet (also known as a "tract") which you can design and print yourself or buy them in bulk.

Here is a list of suggestions to disperse gospel leaflets.  The important step is in bold and then the long list follows for thought..

Always ask God to use you, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for each tract placed, and then pray for the Lord of harvest to bless it.
- Put some in a plastic holder or envelope by your door, to give to anyone who comes to your door, and as a reminder to take some with you when you leave the house.
- Hand out to customers at local restaurants / leave at takeaways.
- Put on tables in post offices.
- Pass out on busy street corners.
- Pass out at schools after dismissal.
- Pass out to people waiting in line at theater or any place where there is a queue!
- Put in each box or bag of goods you might sell to people - ebay items etc.
- Send to people on birthdays or holidays.
- Leave in phone boxes / booths.
- Put on car windows.
- Pass out door to door.
- Leave on sitting areas of shopping centres.
- Pass out at parades, festivals, and special events.
- Leave in city parks on benches, etc. (beware of wind and rain so that they don't become litter or pulp)
- Hand out at stadium entrances, etc.
- Leave at funeral homes.
- Give to attendants at parking garages, etc. If your ticket could benefit others, give it to someone with a tract.
- Leave in hotel rooms (in the drawers, telephone book, etc.)
- Give to waitresses with generous tips at restaurants
- Put in magazines in waiting rooms.
- Leave on hairdressers tables.
- Hand out at zoos, picnic areas, beaches.
- Include in bills paid by mail. OR simply post the prepaid envelopes you don't use with tracts in them (please put stamps on these for a good witness).
- Hand to store employees, check-out clerks.
- Leave in waiting areas of hospitals.
- Leave in toilets at restaurants, schools, airports, etc.
- Leave in the bank where deposit slips are.
- Give to hospital and nursing home patients.
- Leave in returned library books (or simply place in library books when visiting).
- Leave on tables at markets, fairs, etc.
- Leave on tables at health club / gym
- Put in airport lounges, bus terminals, etc.
- Mail to relatives of deceased in obituaries.
- Leave on seats on bus, taxi, airplane, etc.
- Rent stalls at county or local fairs.
- Put in pockets of used / new clothing given away.
- Leave in dressing rooms of clothing stores.
- Put in sealed bottles in the ocean.
- Hand out at sporting events.
- In the workplace / through business (but don't steal time from your boss, do it at break!
- Magazines & Newspapers
- Public leaflets / information - slip one in!
- Place on public notice boards
- In shopping trolleys
- In clothes pockets in stores
- In nappy changing stations
- On ATM machines (or any credit card slot)
- In elevators
- On hotel dressers for the room cleaners
- On newspaper racks
- In plane, bus or car seat pockets
- Inside "religious" books or any other popular books in the library or book store
- Between the rubber and the glass on driver's side windows (but not on private property)
- If you rent videos put one in the movie you are returning.
- Leave them on video games in the arcade
- Pull out a couple of feet of toilet paper, and insert the tract while rolling it back up
- Place tract in napkin holders, behind a few napkins
- Place money / coin tracts in a buskers box / street entertainers collection box. TIP: if its a note tract, expect the music to stop!
- Leave in the carrier bags at checkouts (self serve), they won't check these bags until they get home!
- Attach them to the envelope of letters you send out in the post

This was taken from

The leaflet pictured and a wide selection of others are available from

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