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Why did God go into such great detail with Moses as to exactly how the Tabernacle was to be built and the offerings that were to be made there? And why did He include it all in our Bibles? Is it just rather dry, ancient history or is there anything that is applicable to Christians today – thousands of years later?
The writer to the Hebrews said almost 2,000 years ago that the Tabernacle is “symbolic for the present time” (Hebrews 9:9). This book makes the case that the Tabernacle is still of vital importance to all Christians today and that there are two main purposes:
1) To outline a clear vision of the House of God today as a called-out, gathered-together and united people, expressed in Churches of God - serving Him in Holy and Royal Priesthood service, according to the Biblical pattern that God Himself has laid down. Many believers today view the terms “Body of Christ” and “House of God” as interchangeable, despite the clear and important differences that are outlined in this book.
2) To provide a more wonderful appreciation of the beauties, glories, character and functions of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Son over God’s House, the Great High Priest and typified in so many ways in the various offerings associated with worship in the Tabernacle.
This book was written by Jack Ferguson in 1981 and has been re-published in ebook and hard copy formats by Hayes Press to meet demand – it has lost none of its relevance in the intervening years.
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